• Esther lived in a materialistic society that was filled with antisemitic people who thought more of their personal advancement than the people of God who lived among them. In a day when women were treated as property, and Jews were thought worthy of extermination, God brought Esther to the throne for such a time as this. Through the help of Mordecai, the prayers of her fellow Israelites, and more importantly, through the invisible, providential hand of God, the tables were completely turned, and the Jews were protected while their enemies were destroyed. Thus, the book of Esther highlights the miraculous, protective intervention of God. Though the Lord is never mentioned in the book, He is present on every page. God is often most involved when His presence is not seen. The God of Esther can also help us in uncertain times by manifesting His presence through the lives of obscure volunteers for such a time as this.
  • Though Nehemiah was privileged to live in the lap of luxury while serving as cupbearer to a Persian king, he left it all for the seemingly impossible task of rebuilding the city walls of Jerusalem. Obviously, he needed the help of God to mobilize a task force of Jewish workers. This commentary examines the prayer life, management skills, and tenacity of one of the Old Testament's greatest leaders.
  • Though there are many different interpretations to the book of the Revelation, and good men disagree about minor points of exegesis, the thrust of the book is obvious. It is the Revelation of Jesus Christ. The book is about Jesus and how He emerges victorious over Satanic and despotic government. And because believers are affiliated with Jesus, they too are winners. No matter how much tribulation we have in this world, we can be of good cheer, for Christ has overcome the world. In the end, the saints win. We trust that as a result of this study of Revelation, you will rest and rejoice in the victory that is yours through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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