Jeremiah was nearly twenty years old when he began his ministry in 627 BC and immediately began to address a nation that was rapidly approaching the judgment of God. Because Jeremiah prophesied in the final years of Judah before the Babylonian exile, his overwhelming theme is judgment. Indeed, the first forty-five chapters of the book focus on God’s judgment of Judah. Ironical- ly, however, there is an element of grace throughout the book, and significantly, Jeremiah’s prophesy provides the most vivid treatment of the New Covenant whereby God will remember Judah’s sins and iniquities no more. Indeed, God was pulling down in order to build. We trust that this commentary on Jeremiah will help you accept the grace of God even when life is falling apart.
Pulled Down to Build: Jeremiah
Jeremiah was nearly twenty years old when he began his ministry in 627 BC and immediately began to address a nation that was rapidly approaching the judgment of God. Because Jeremiah prophesied in the final years of Judah before the Babylonian exile, his overwhelming theme is judgment. Indeed, the first forty-five chapters of the book focus on God’s judgment of Judah. Ironical- ly, however, there is an element of grace throughout the book, and significantly, Jeremiah’s prophesy provides the most vivid treatment of the New Covenant whereby God will remember Judah’s sins and iniquities no more. Indeed, God was pulling down in order to build. We trust that this commentary on Jeremiah will help you accept the grace of God even when life is falling apart.
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