D.R.E., Midwestern Baptist Seminary; D.Min., Temple Baptist Seminary; M.Div., Luther Rice Seminary; B.A., Tennessee Temple University
Jeff Amsbaugh entered the ministry in 1987 and has served as a pastor at churches in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Rhode Island, and Virginia before moving to Florida where he serves on the Bible faculty at Pensacola Christian College and Pensacola Theological Seminary. Jeff also serves as an adjunct professor at various Bible colleges and seminaries, both stateside and foreign.
Dr. Amsbaugh, a prolific writer and guest speaker in churches, colleges and conferences around the world, has conducted numerous family seminars and couples retreats. His ministry’s emphasis on producing strong families and strong Christian leaders has uniquely prepared him to address issues of concern to the home and those entering the ministry.
Jeff has served with several boards and associations, as well as on several doctoral dissertation committees. His own thesis currently is being used in college missions classes across America. He has authored numerous commentaries and curriculums.
Dr. Amsbaugh lives with his wife Karen in Cantonment, Florida. Jeff and Karen are the proud parents of three adult daughters. Jeff enjoys presidential biographies, Sudoku, and a good cup of coffee.